Grab The Recording So You Can See My Subject To Machine With Your Own Eyes…

Learn John Cochran & Jeff Watson's Entire
Sub To System In Just 2 Full Days...
The Best Way To Have Guaranteed Success With Subject To Deals Is To…
Find someone that is already successfully doing Subject To transactions, then rip off and duplicate all their systems to use in your own local market.
John Cochran is a master at finding Subject To deals, while Jeff Watson is the lawyer behind all the paperwork. When they open up the playbook, you'll realize how profected, easy, and profitable these transactions can be.
The 2 Day Agenda
Day 1 - February 2
Day 2 - February 3
PLUS You Get The Buying Contracts!
You will learn the proper and proven ways to successfully complete 1 or 100 Subject To transactions from start to finish each year from John Cochran & Jeff Watson.
All Documents, White Board Notes, Cheat Sheets, Lead Working Templates ARE AVAILABLE IMMEDAITELY
The Actual Recording Will Be Released In The Next Week Or Two
Why Are Subject To Transactions So Hot Right For Real Estate Investors?
Interest rates have been at record lows since 2008. Compared to the interest rates of today’s market at 7% - 7.5% most people in the past 5 years have secured 30 year financing at 2.5% - 5% interest.
If you went to the bank today, you couldn’t get a 30 year term loan at 3% interest rate. However, by doing a Subject To on the deal, you’re able to use creative financing and take over the payments subject to the existing financing already put in place and get that 3% interest rate.
You don’t need to get approved for a loan, in fact, you don’t even get a loan. You just start making the payments for the seller that has a loan at a low interest rate.
Taking over low interest rate loans, means CASH FLOW, BIG CASH FLOW each and every month for Real Estate Investors!
You want to take it even one step further, you can buy properties AT FULL RETAIL subject to the existing financing at interest rates from 2.5% - 4.5% and then quickly resell them on owner financing at a 7-9% interest rate and make HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in cash flow all because of you bought the property Subject To the existing financing that is already in place with the seller.
John Doesn't Just Talk The Talk, He Walks The Walk.

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