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Hire Johnny C To Put 100% Of Your Marketing On Auto-Pilot
So You Can Close More $20K to $40K Deals!

His "Virtual CMO" Service Gives You Fortune 500 Marketing Power With All The Speed and Efficiency of a Small Business!

Introducing The Fastest, Most Efficient Marketing Solution For Real Estate Investors Who Are Eager To Scale From 1 to 10 deals Per Month In Just 6 Months or Less!

We'll challenge ANYONE to match the raw speed, efficiency, and marketing power of our "Avengers Caliber" Marketing Team...

The Most Important Part Of A Real Estate Investors Business Is Marketing!

You MUST put marketing out there to bring in off-market seller leads to be successful.

This includes sending out postcards of all sizes, custom handwritten cards, ringless voicemails, SMS marketing, email marketing, Facebook ad marketing, google PPC marketing, driving leads of all types to your websites, pulling accurate seller lists, etc.

The list goes on and on, with all the things you should be doing on a consistent basis in order to do deals and make large profits as a Real Estate Investor.

The problem?

Real Estate Investors ARE NOT MARKETERS!


In fact, it’s actually not your highest and best use as a Real Estate Investor anyways!

Let’s be honest, should you really be the one that is managing your ads, direct mail, and getting the right sellers to your websites anyways?

Most great marketers aren’t good at real estate, and most people that are good at real estate are horrible at marketing! Sorry, it’s just the truth!

All the successful real estate investors have marketers on their team that do nothing but work on their brand, get great quality leads to fill out forms on their websites, are consistently building their buyers list online, and they track everything!

Successful Real Estate Investors have marketing out at all times and it always seems like they’re EVERYWHERE!!!

You know who always wins… The person with the best marketing!

The Investors that are…

In sellers mailboxes, running facebook ads, running google PPC ads, and they have REALLY good and custom follow up that runs on autopilot. That’s who always wins!

But again, most Real Estate Investors ARE NOT MARKETERS that can give a business the oxygen it needs to be the powerhouse that you desire.


Meet Your New Virtual CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)


Bringing on Johnny C as your virtual CMO is the ultimate done-for-you service for Real Estate Investors of all levels. 


As you probably know, he is a marketer but he's also A VERY successful Real Estate Investor. He knows this business inside and out. Let John & his team develop, implement, and manage all of your marketing for you so you can do what you need to do as a real estate investor…

Go on more appointments, make more offers, and cash more profit checks. 


Johnny C is very highly trained and will deliver your real estate investing business the ultimate done for you marketing solution that it needs!

Here's What Hiring Johnny C As Your Virtual CMO Will Do You Your Business

Done for you marketing to build/maintain your brand

Done for you marketing plan for growth month over month

Done for you marketing to generate highly motivated seller leads

Done for you building/management of websites to generate buyer/seller leads

Done for you Google PPC ad creation/management targeting buyers & sellers

Done for you Facebook ad creation/management targeting buyers & sellers

Done for you marketing to build/maintain your buyers list

Done for you marketing your contract/properties for sale

Done for you building/management of lead follow up

Done for you building/management of Systemate pipelines 

Done for you organization in your Systemate account

Done for you custom KPI reporting (Delivered monthly)

That A LOT that we will be developing, implementing, and managing for your business isn’t it?


That’s actually not all we will be doing for you when you hire us to be your virtual CMO!

We will be on a weekly zoom meeting with each other so that everyone is on the same page and so that we can help you build and scale your business to the next level.


Johnny C As Your Virtual CMO is Like Having 8 Marketers On Your Team!!

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According to if you were to hire a CMO that is capable of all the above tasks, it would cost you between $89,000-$342,000 a year or ($7,416 - $28,500 a month).

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The average cost of a CMO in the United States is $178,240/year which is $14,853/mo. That’s just the base salary! They also get bonuses, profit sharing on your deals, and commissions on top of that.




You need to train them on all the marketing that your business needs to drive more deals. But, how can you train someone on something you’re not a master at yourself?

John is already trained in all of the requirements listed above, and can handle all marketing for your business at a drastic fraction of the cost. He does this every single day in his own business and can easily assess your business and get it up to speed and make it a deal producing machine!

The goal is to get you to do more deals with less stress. You shouldn't be wondering when your next deal will come. You should have a steady flow of leads that you’re working and closing on month after month and have leads being automatically followed up with to bring you in even more deals in the future!

What’s The Cost Of Hiring Johnny C
As Your Virtual CMO?

NOT $178,240/year or $14,853/mo, I can tell you that. Not only can we market for you better than a high dollar CMO, we can do it for a fraction of the cost!

You hire Johnny C for your business for just $2,500 per month and if you choose, can cancel at any time. Once you hire him, he will take over all of your marketing for you in your Real Estate Investing business. You don’t even need to think about marketing for your business. He will have it all handled for you.

You just sit back, go on appointments, make more offers and do more deals than ever before. 

At the end of each month, you’ll get a customized marketing report where we’ll share all the juicy KPI’s with you. You’ll see just how good he is at this marketing thing. We know you have high expectations and we’re prepared to exceed them, and then some

What’s The Next Step?

We can only accept a small group of investors at this time. If you’re serious, snag John up now, while this incredible opportunity exists. Once all spots are filled, this page will come down without notice, and you’ll see a “join the waitlist” form.

We CANNOT overbook this and because we give each investor so much time, we can truly only handle a handful of investors at this time.

John doesn't take this lightly. Marketing is, the single most important thing you do in business. We’re excited to turn your business into a deal producing machine.

Click the button below to hire John Cochran and his team as your Virtual CMO. Once you’re in, we’ll reach out with the next steps and get to work. 

What Happens If You Don’t Hire Johnny C As Your Virtual CMO?

You stay doing what you’re currently doing. Trying to master it all. Making the same amount of money, you’re currently making. It’s tough to scale that way... isn’t it?

This is a complete done-for-you opportunity for masters to develop, implement, and manage all of your marketing for you. 

Done for you marketing to build/maintain your brand

Done for you marketing plan for growth month over month

Done for you marketing to generate highly motivated seller leads

Done for you building/management of websites to generate buyer/seller leads

Done for you Google PPC ad creation/management targeting buyers & sellers

Done for you Facebook ad creation/management targeting buyers & sellers

Done for you marketing to build/maintain your buyers list

Done for you marketing your contract/properties for sale

Done for you building/management of lead follow up

Done for you building/management of Systemate pipelines 

Done for you organization in your Systemate account

Done for you custom KPI reporting (Delivered monthly)

Are you ready to take your business to the next level and have Johnny C working on your business for you?

Very limited opportunity!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q: Will I be assigned just one virtual CMO or will I be working with a team?

A: Johnny C will be your virtual CMO. He is the brains behind all of the marketing. He and his team will be on every call with you to devise a plan and manage all of your marketing for you. 


Q: Are there any extra fees beyond the $2,500 for Johnny C as my virtual CMO?

A: Yes, your marketing budget. We'll work with you to create a budget that is feasible for you that still brings in results. None of your marketing budget goes to John, all you pay him is the $2,500/month.


Q: Will Johnny C be able to run a successful Google Ad (Google PPC) and Facebook ad campaign to target sellers and buyers for me?

A: Yes, there is no need to outsource to a marketing agency. We are skilled in running ads for your business on both platforms. This is just part of what he does for you, and he does it really, really well.


Q: So when I get a deal under contract you will market it for me?

A: Absolutely!! We will be working hard to build you the hottest buyers list through websites that we will be building for you. When you have a property under contract, for sale, or for rent, Johnny C will do all the marketing on that property to help you find your buyer.


Q: Do I have to pay any bonuses, commissions, or deal splits to Johnny C as my virtual CMO?

A: Nope! Your profits stay in your pockets!


Q: Can I pay for a year in advance and get a discount?

A: You can, if you want to pay for John's virtual CMO service in advance you can do so for a massive savings. Please talk to John for all of the details.


Q: What if I already have a website?

A: That's great! He's familiar with most website builders and can get right to work on your existing website. However, if you do have a website in place now, it does need to have the ability to scale (add websites, custom coding etc.) in order for him to keep using it.


Q: I’m not ready now… Can I hire Johnny C as my virtual CMO later?

A: Due to the demand for a marketer of John's level that is also a very successful Real Estate Investor, you really do need to act fast. This page will come down without notice the moment we are full. Unfortunately, we don't know when that is going to be. Now is the time.