How A Home Organizer Put Her First Deal Under Contract Using Systemate
Wanna see how a brand new real estate investor got her first deal under contract using Systemate in less than 60 days? There’s a reason we say it’s the #1 Technology for Real Estate Investors in 2021!
Jasmyne owns a home organization business and lives in Ohio. She says she’s always been interested in real estate and has even taken some courses in the past, but never really took action to start trying to find her own deals until she signed up for a Systemate account this year. She has two kids and her main goal in real estate is to build generational wealth for her family. We got permission to show you exactly how she used Systemate to get her first deal under contract - it’s the real deal!
When you sign up for a new Systemate Premium Account, you receive a library of Seller & Deal Templates with scripts, so it’s easy to get started marketing to sellers. Jasmyne chose the “Cold Calling Machine” template which uses our automatic marketing technology to send out 6 ringless voicemail messages and 2 SMS messages to your list of leads over the course of 30 days. It’s a proven powerhouse template that will get your phone ringing FAST!

This template will work for any lead source, and Jasmyne decided to focus on absentee owners - it’s been one of our favorite lead sources this year due to the pandemic. Absentee owners are people who own property but don’t live in that property. Most of the time, these people are investors and landlords, and since the chances of them not collecting rent from their tenants is pretty high, in 2021 this is one of the hottest lists that you can get!
We recently released 2 powerhouse systems showing you exactly how you can purchase these absentee owner leads and find their phone numbers using Batch Skip Tracing. All Jasmyne had to do was record her voicemail messages and wait for her phone to ring!
How To Pull A Fresh List Of Absentee Owners Using Attom Data
How To Skip Trace Seller Leads Using Batch Skip Tracing
Below are the screenshots showing you exactly how Systemate marketed to this lead for Jasmyne…
On March 2, Jasmyne imported the leads into the Systemate Pipeline and sent out the first Ringless VM and SMS message in Step 1. This particular lead didn’t respond yet, so 3 days later Systemate automatically followed up with the seller again and sent out a 2nd Ringless VM message. Jasmyne works full time at her home organization company, but you can see here that Systemate was making all the phone calls to her leads for her automatically until on March 7, Jasmyne’s phone rang! That’s just 5 days to bring a hot motivated seller lead up to the surface without you having to lift a finger!

Systemate allows you to keep notes on your leads, and that’s exactly what Jasmyne did. Here’s her notes on this motivated seller - it turned out he was tired of being a landlord and just wanted to sell for what he owed on the property.

After that first phone call, Jasmyne followed up with the seller right inside of Systemate to book the appointment:

Over the course of the next several weeks, Jasmyne continued the conversation with the seller using Systemate, and eventually met them at the property where she was able to take some photos. Overall the house was in pretty decent shape, and looked like it only needed some bathroom updates. She quickly realized this was a potential deal!

The owner was willing to sell the property for the payoff on their existing mortgage and worked with Jasmyne over the next couple of weeks to get the final numbers from their bank. During that time, Jasmyne was able to do her due diligence on the property. The current tenant was paying $680/month and comps in the area showed the home could be worth up to $71k! When the seller told Jasmyne he would sell for the payoff amount of $32,500, Jasmyne wrote up an offer and had her first signed contract on April 24. That’s less than 60 days from when she first imported the leads into Systemate!
The Systemate Files tab keeps you super organized in your business. Jasmyne uploaded the signed contract, property photos, and rental records into Systemate. She can easily go into the Contact Details page for this lead and see the entire message history, all her notes, all the files, and all the deal details from this one screen!
Currently, Jasmyne is weighing her options. She could keep this property and have great long-term monthly cash flow. She also has some other landlords interested in purchasing the property for their portfolio so she could flip it one of them for a quick short-term wholesale profit. Either way, Jasmyne’s a winner and she did it all with Systemate!
Watch the full demo to see how you can systematize and automate your entire real estate marketing just like Jasmyne did and take your business to the next level:
The #1 technology for 2021
Built By Real Estate Investors, For Real Estate Investors
This blog post was written by...

Melissa Yatzeck
Chief Millionaire Maker
Real Estate Investor
Awesome job!